Let Sliq Turbo Charge your Network

Welcome To Sliq Enterprise

Take your business to the next level digitally with Sliq enterprise. Tap into an effective medium of accessing company information, portfolios, event details and much more easily. Our Team is ready to assist you in the best way!

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No More Printed Business Cards for Staff

Re-usable Business Cards (depends on design).

For instance, if only the designation/department and company logo is on the card, name and number can simply be changed if employee leaves without the need to reprint any cards.

If an employee changes phone numbers, emails or socials; there is no need to reprint their business card, you simply change the details on SLIQ ONLINE.

It’s that simple

Less Flyer/Brochure Prints

You can use our Sliq Technology which allows customers/clients to simply Tap or Scan and have access to product portfolios, department contact details, appointment booking sheets, profiles, brochures etc. downloaded straight to their mobile devices.

Imagine the annual savings on printed material and the ease of information transfer to client/customer phone.

Quick stat: 7 out of 10 printed materials i.e. business cards, brochures and flyers get thrown out or left unread by clients.

No More Paper Menus

Now you can change your food, drinks, activities or any menu anytime you want without the fear of having to reprint all your stock. SLIQ makes everything easy. Our design team is available to always assist with all your designs.


Why not allow your customers to easily have access to Feedback forms, Contact Numbers, Event forms, Reservation forms, Appointment booking forms etc.
The possibilities are endless.

Turbo Charge your Marketing

Sliq can turn your conference materials i.e. banners and posters digital. Improve your presence with intrigue by allowing clients and customers to digitally interact with your banners and posters.

They will be able to TAP or SCAN and get access to product portfolios, videos, contact details, social media content etc.

SLIQ Online offers you a lot of options. You can get very creative with the Blocks available.